Evernew Transformer: An In-Depth Exploration of Electric Furnace Transformer

Electric Furnace Transformer

An electric furnace transformer is a specialized transformer designed for heating applications in electric furnaces. It converts high voltage power from the grid into low voltage power suitable for furnace operation, ensuring stable and efficient performance. As a leading manufacturer of electric furnace transformer, Evernew Transformer is renowned for producing high performance and reliable transformer. This article delves into the basic structure, features, working principles, types, and preventive measures for common issues related to electric furnace transformer.

1. Basic Structure of Electric Furnace Transformer

The basic structure of an electric furnace transformer includes the following components:

  • Core: Made of high quality silicon steel sheets stacked together, the core provides the magnetic path and reduces magnetic resistance, serving as the heart of the transformer.
  • Primary and Secondary Windings: These windings connect to the high  voltage power source and the electric furnace, respectively. Through magnetic coupling, they convert high voltage power into low voltage power. The windings are typically made of high conductivity copper or aluminum wires to minimize energy loss.
  • Cooling Equipment: To ensure stable operation under high loads, cooling methods such as air or water cooling are used to dissipate heat.
  • Enclosure: A robust enclosure not only protects the internal components of the transformer but also provides excellent insulation, preventing current leakage.

2. Features of Electric Furnace Transformer

  1. High Efficiency: Evernew Transformer uses advanced design and high-quality materials, allowing electric furnace transformers to minimize energy loss and maximize energy efficiency.

  2. Safety and Reliability: With dual protection from the enclosure and insulating materials, the transformers effectively prevent current leakage and electrical accidents, ensuring operational safety.

  3. Good Adjustability: The transformer can flexibly adjust the output voltage according to the furnace’s requirements, allowing the equipment to meet different heating demands.

  4. Strong Load Adaptability: The transformer can automatically adjust the output current according to load changes, ensuring stable operation of the furnace.

  5. Simple Structure: The straightforward design of electric furnace transformers makes them easy to manufacture and maintain, reducing operational complexity and failure rates.

3. Working Principle of Electric Furnace Transformer

The working principle of an electric furnace transformer is based on the law of electromagnetic induction. When alternating current flows through the primary coil, it generates an alternating magnetic field, which penetrates the secondary coil, inducing an electromotive force in it. By adjusting the current in the primary coil, the output voltage of the secondary coil can be controlled to suit different furnace heating requirements.

4. Types of Electric Furnace Transformer

Electric furnace transformers can be categorized based on their usage and structure. Common types include:

  • Dry Type Transformer: These are used for small electric furnaces, featuring a compact design suitable for space limited environments. Dry type transformers use air for cooling, making them ideal for environments requiring higher safety standards.

  • Oil Immersed Transformer: Mainly used for large electric furnaces, these transformers offer excellent high-temperature resistance and heat dissipation, ensuring long-term stable operation under high loads.

  • Isolation Transformer: These transformers provide electrical isolation to enhance safety, particularly in environments requiring high safety standards.

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5. Mitigating Light Gas Phenomenon

The light gas phenomenon refers to the vibration and noise caused by magnetization of the core during the operation of the transformer due to the large working current of the furnace. To mitigate this phenomenon, Evernew Transformer has implemented the following measures:

  1. Choosing Suitable Core Materials: By using silicon steel sheets with low hysteresis and low loss as core materials, magnetization induced vibration and noise are reduced.

  2. Optimizing Core Structure: Increasing the stacking density and using staggered lamination techniques improve the core’s rigidity and resistance to vibration, further reducing noise.

  3. Enhancing Fixation and Insulation: A well designed and reinforced support structure reduces vibration. Additionally, high performance insulation materials prevent electrical leakage and accidents.

6. Common Faults and Preventive Measures

Electric furnace transformers may encounter common faults such as insulation breakdown, short circuits, and overloads during prolonged use. To prevent these issues, Evernew Transformer recommends the following measures:

  1. Regular Inspection and Maintenance: Regularly check the transformer’s insulation performance and cooling system to promptly identify and address potential problems.

  2. Reasonable Design and Use: When designing and using electric furnace transformers, consider the range of load variations and the transformer’s rated capacity to avoid overloads.

  3. Enhanced Insulation Protection: Using high quality insulation materials and structures improves insulation performance and prevents breakdowns.

  4. Eliminating Short Circuit Risks: Regularly inspect the transformer’s insulation resistance, and address any potential short circuit risks to prevent accidents.


As essential equipment for electric furnace operations, electric furnace transformers convert high-voltage power from the grid into the low voltage power required by furnaces, ensuring their normal operation. Evernew Transformer’s products not only offer high efficiency, simple structure, and high reliability but also feature flexible voltage adjustment and strong load adaptability. With regular maintenance and proper use, electric furnace transformer can operate reliably in various industrial applications. If you have any questions or requirements, Evernew Transformer is always ready to provide professional support and services.

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